Saturday, June 19, 2010

the most amazing little kids

after the coffins, lauren (my roommate) and i went out with her friend prosper. he's a local that she met and he has been taking care of us when we want to explore. we explored with him for a little and we ended up in this area deep from the main road. alot of the people there had never seen a white person before! ha, it was funny to be on the other end of the camera. i now know how they feel to have us constantly taking pictures. we ended up close to our hotel where a bunch of kids were playing in the street. i gave them lollipops and immediately they wanted to be our best friends. we taught them duck duck goose and they kept saying joose! and running. then we played miss mary mack, and i swear i did that rhyme 30 times. they sang us songs, tried to teach us a dance (which by our standards would be ridiculously inappropriate for girls that age, but damn, they can dance! and its just a part of their culture, and one that i am very jealous of!) they thought it was hilarious when we tried and failed to imitate their moves. one girl, by accident i think at first, touched my hair and she was amazed at how soft it was. alllll of the kids then proceded to touch it. some were rubbing their hands in the dirt at the time and reached right up to grab it. they had never seen hair with so many colors, they said too. it was such an amazing experience. those children were so cute and friendly and adorable. i love them already and can't wait to come back to play with them on monday! we're off to akosombo to see the electric dam for the weekend then go on a cruise on sunday. i will be able to post again sunday at the earliest.

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