Wednesday, June 23, 2010

glona day 2

i had a MUCH better day today than i did before. i think it is because i know what to expect now from glona. the day started off as my other one had ended, where i was sitting on a desk watching the german 'madame' teach. (all the students call me madame too). i tried to remember her tactics for when students got something wrong or if they were unruly. then she had to go teach in another class and i took over. i reviewed teaching them the months, which they tend to memorize so i wrote them on the board all mixed up and tried to get them to focus on the letters of the words, not just remembering what the third month is. then i taught them all how to spell eleven through twenty and double checked their notebooks after they'd copied it down. when i get home, i'm going to mail a big package of school supplies to them. they really don't have enough. all of the notebooks are old and torn, there aren't enough erasers for the classrooms so it becomes a competition, the pencils they use are broken and unsharpened. its hard enough to learn when they come from bad homes, but they don't even have the materials they need.

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