Monday, June 21, 2010

dodi princess cruise

the next morning (sunday) we went on the dodi island princess cruise. we travelled for about two hours on the volta lake to reach dodi island, then the two hours back. there was lunch and drinking and dancing and a live band on the cruise. on the way to the island we all danced and made fools of ourselves. the island was a bit of a disappointment. i didn't know what to expect, but i thought we would be let off in a town or something. the island was essentially still natural with a very small town far from where we docked. we followed a path to the other side of that part of the large island, and then walked back. but along the way, the people who live on the island lined the trail and played music and asked for money. i wish i had known that that was going to happen because i would've picked up more pesuwas (ghanaian cents, pes-oo-ways). on the way back to the dam, everyone fell asleep. it was a long weekend.

we had another two hour drive back to accra. on the way we passed villages that had been displaced because of flooding from the rainy season. it was so sad. i suppose this happens alot, there are two rainy seasons every year, but it was still very scary to see all the people lined up along the side of the road, while their houses were half under water and others tried to get their cars out of the flooding. it was a very sobering experience.

i have more to tell about yesterday night, but i've got to go to class now. i'll update again as soon as i can!

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