Wednesday, June 16, 2010

going to school

last night i stayed up late with a bunch of the friends i've made here. i adore my new friends. i'm so excited that such great people came on this trip! i don't think i've laughed so hard for so long in a lonnggg time. literally my abs were sore this morning.

we left the hotel at 8:15am to make it to the University of Ghana by 9am. we travelled in a tro-tro, a small bus. the classes were interesting and the university was much bigger than i expected. we had to be careful to be quiet because the local students were taking their final exams. in the first lecture we learned about the "petty trader" or street vendors, and the advantages and disadvantages they have over places with fixed locations and fixed prices. it was kind of like an early economics lesson. the second lecture was more difficult (because his accent was thicker and voice lower) and i didn't catch every word. he spoke on the agriculture in ghana. the main crops are oil palm, cocoa, rubber, and citrus. 90% of the farmers are small scale farmers, owning 1 or 2 acres. 70% of people in ghana are farmers or perform some farm related occupation. it was interesting to hear about the different exports and how farmers' daily lives are like.

i'm off to the New Horizons school, a local school for the mentally challenged of all ages. and it is absolutely pouring today. gotta love the rainy season.

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