Thursday, June 17, 2010

guest speaker

before i came on this trip, i was mainly focused on predicting what it was going to be like once i was in africa and what connecting with the ghanaians would be like. i forgot that i'd be making some strong bonds with the kids in my study abroad group. i'm surprised at how fast we've all gotten so close. it's definitely enhanced my experience here, and i can tell that these friends are going to continue to do so but at the same time i am sometimes being forced to choose to focus on one or the other. like do i go to the mall with my friends or focus on learning more about ghana? i think that we'll be able to find a way to even it all out as we get going. i think the seven or so people i've become really close with are all volunteering at glona with me, so we'll be able to have both. i start volunteering on a regular basis on monday.

tonight we had a guest speaker lecture us for an hour. he spoke about sacred groves and global environmentalists. he told some crazy stories about how the local people personify plants. i'll have to explain them tomorrow when i have more time, because i just got really tired.

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