Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a few things i thought of

so living in a hotel is interesting. every so often the electricity shuts off and we're stuck in the dark for a few minutes. this morning the water didn't work, good thing i showered last night. my shower head isn't attached to the wall so i have to hold it the whole shower. everytime we walk on the street taxis honk at us, and there are a LOT of taxis.


  1. Hey Steph, been checking here every few days to catch up on what you've been doing in Ghana. Sounds awesome. I'm really jealous and it makes me want to go to Africa even more than I already did. Sucks that the teacher at glona that you are working with doesn't seem to be helpful. Are the teachers there volunteers or are they paid?

  2. its completely volunteer basis. its actually really sad, they don't have enough supplies, there are 3 erasers for the five classrooms and not enough books and no pencils, etc. not to mention the fact that they don't have their own school and most students only come a few days a week for no good reason.
