Saturday, June 19, 2010

crazy coffins

yesterday after class, we had the opportunity to visit some coffin makes about half an hour from the hotel towards kumasi. these specific guys make coffins in the shapes of things that people like, or that represented their occupation. it took us an hour to get there because we hit this insannnne traffic. crazy in twi is obodam....(oh-boh-DAM). i've been in some obodam traffic in ghana but nothing like this before. it was like five lanes (and i say lanes loosely because there aren't any) trying to squeeze down into one. we were literally touching another tro-tro on either side. oh, and roads here don't undergo much up keep. every ride is a bumpy ride. and this one was especially bumpy. so we finally go to the coffin making shop and we're informed that all the coffins had been removed the day before. there was one in the shape of a fish that they were working on, but we got to see pictures of the finished products. some coffins were shaped like chickens, beer cans, houses, pipes, hammers, or there was even a holy bible and an AK-47. it was hilarious but inappropriate to laugh because these are peoples coffins!

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