Saturday, July 10, 2010

dinner at dr. nkunu akyea's

our group has been very lucky to have been led by the former president and founder of the ghana tourism association, nkunu akyea (nkoo-noo ah-chee-ah) (ky is pronounced as ch in twi). he is responsible for many of the activities that we were able to complete, like the slave river park and the canopy walk. he has accomplished so much in preserving ghana's natural beauty, but also using that natural beauty as a source of economic gain for the country. he has been with us for our excursions to the various parts of the country and spent the entire week with us when we went to kumasi and then cape coast and elmina.

wednesday night he invited us to have dinner at his house on cape coast university's campus. prior to being head of the tour guide association, he taught geography at cape coast u. and his wife currently is a professor of languages there. it was such an honor to be invited to eat with his family in his personal home. when we arrived, we were offered soda and water. then we sat and talked until the food was ready. his granddaughter was there (she's 2 years old) and provided great entertainment for everyone. it was a delicious meal and i was sad to leave. i can't believe how much time and knowledge that dr. akyea has given us and then on top of that, he welcomed us into his home and shared his food with us.

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