Saturday, July 10, 2010

bakatue festival

after we toured the castles, we returned to elmina just in time for the beginning of the bakatue (ba-kah-too-ay) festival. this festival takes place once a year on the first tuesday in july and is to reaffirm the young people with their culture and society. the festival first takes the form of a parade and then the parade moves towards a shrine where the people give tribute to their gods. we arrived in elmina at the beginning of the parade. first come the okyeame (oh-chee-em-ay), or the chief's spokesperson. they were wearing traditional garb, beautiful cloth wrapped around them. the spokesmen held staffs that represented their communities and chiefs. the tops of the staffs had symbols, like a bird or crab or people engaged in some activity, that usually is seen to represent their people. after the okyeame, there were dancers and priests and priestesses, as well as the chiefs and queen mothers. the most important of the chiefs and queen mothers were on palanquins. everyone was dancing and singing, especially the chiefs and queen mothers. the mood of the whole festival was so happy and excited, it was contagious. everyone was very welcoming of us joining in the parade. as the parade continues towards the shrine, people join it and walk with their chiefs or priests. we were so lucky to be in elmina for this time, to see a real festival going on, and even to be a part of it!

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